and Q&A

Vevox is a powerful audience engagement tool designed to enhance interaction, participation, and gather feedback during your events. 

Vevox can be integrated into your Event App allowing your attendees to quickly and easily answer surveys, live polls and participate in Q&A sessions.

Increased engagement and participation are more beneficial for both the audience and speaker alike, so by running interactive polls for feedback and a live Q&A you can truly empower your audience.

In addition, we will help you to structure your interactive questions ensuring you get the best insights into the behaviour and beliefs for your attendees

Attendee Engagement Highlights

Transform passive presentations into interactive discussions, keeping attendees actively involved.

Allow attendees to participate in polls during sessions, providing immediate insights and making the audience feel involved.

Facilitate real-time Q&A sessions where attendees can submit and upvote questions, ensuring the most relevant topics are addressed.

Data Capture Opportunities
  • Event satisfaction scores
  • Speaker impact scores
  • Brand NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Behavioural change index 
  • Learnings